Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Whipping of Children in Schools

Children sometimes and most times can be really naughty, even as parent, we sometimes smack them or are tempted to, this comes from frustration when we want to get them to do things properly or stop bothering us.

But like the scriptures say "two cannot work together unless they agree", this scripture connotes that we have to learn to understand one another so that we can have a cordial and respectful, fulfilled relationship with one another. This plays out at our places of work, marriage and YES, even the relationship between parents, children and teachers.

There is always a way to study someone to know how to engage them and bring out the best in them. Every individual and age group have a unique way they think and the way they expect or hope others pass their message across to them.

For children, it is patience and love

The norm of teachers beating up children and sometimes to the extent of putting marks on them in other to get them to improve in their studies have shown in greater percentage. This does not work; children have interest or show interest only things that give them joy rather than things that sadden them. When the teacher is too harsh and obviously not trained in ways to engage a child, he/she loses the child and it eventually affects his/her studies and sadly affects other areas of life for a long time. We must know that after going for teachers training courses we still need to study emotional intelligence to equip ourselves as teachers on how to handle each individual child that God brings our way. Children will be children and though we sometimes feel frustrated, we need to learn self control and not engage wrong and inhumane method of beating and abuse thinking it will produce a result of positivity and productivity.

Some teachers have been seen to overdo this, creating fear and anxiety in the hearts of the children they preside over. There is no way that child can excel at his/her pursuits.

Children hating to go to school signify an underlying problem of fear or dislike for particular teacher(s) or a bully. It will be most unfortunate if the bully ends up being the teacher.  

We are the adults and have the full responsibility of self restraints when it comes to physically inflicting injuries on children in anger, all in the name of teaching them or putting them straight. One does not want to create a negative emotional imbalance in a child that is supposed to be in ones care and ones to impact positively.

Because of this issue schools have devised other forms of punishments, disciplinary measures for children who are stubborn or otherwise. As for children who are lacking behind academically, beating and punishing them is unproductive and should be discouraged, because this will create a mindset of failure in them and might end up been a stronghold as we segregate and ridicule them (with actions and words) from others, thinking this will gear them to improve on their academics.

For academically challenged children, it is the responsibility of the school and the teachers to innovate and find other ways of getting through to them. We can't all just be one way. Some schools engage play to break through to the minds and interest of children If some schools can teach and succeed with special children, I think we can do much better with children that have no physical and mental challenges. Thinking outside the box is the answer and not physical assault to the point of inflicting gruesome injuries.

Unfortunately when this happens, what follows oftentimes is that the parents or guardians of the child come to the school premises to cause commotion and sometime physically assault the said teachers and even other teachers This is most unfortunate, because the job of raising children really rest on all, parents, schools and the society at large. Certainly, the teacher’s brutal actions should be discouraged, punished or a form of restitution demanded, but setting an ugly example of bringing thugs or security agents to physically assault a teacher is a bad example which will definitely affect the child in future  and in an immoral way.

Raising a child to think they can always call thugs to fight their battle is what we see today in our political arena and society. Don't prove your point in a wrong way. Wisdom, the scriptures say is profitable to direct us in our ways and decisions in life. Anger uncontrolled makes one look and act foolishly.

(But we must not take away the right of the parents to be upset or even angry about how in-humane their child/wards were treated by the very people that are supposed to be their custodians when in school.)

The child gains nothing positive neither from his /her teacher’s assault nor from the parent’s rash reaction to the assault. Rather the parents have taught her/ him violence, immaturity and an unproductive way of handling issues in life and not too far in the future the child might get into serious trouble trying to imitate what he/she has seen years ago while trying to get closure from someone who might have crossed them.

We must learn to take a deep breath and see how to go about issues when they come. For instance, the parents should have impacted positive virtues in the child by visiting the head of school or the individual teacher first to dialogue after which if dialogue and correspondence might have yielded no results, legal action can then be taking, or at best Forgiveness and Love.

The Lagos State government through the Ministry of Education has since signed a law prohibiting the beating of students. Physically assaulting a child is an ineffective and lazy method of teaching. Actually, any teacher that still engages in this is breaking the law of the state.

Our schools especially the ones in the inner cities should equally make sure that all laws concerning teaching and schooling are adhered to. They should constantly train their especially in emotional intelligence. These trainings really show that the schools are really interested in what we claim they stand for: educating a child and not just business as usual.

In most organised schools, the teacher knows to report the child to a group head who will deal with the issue or if too complicated will refer it to the highest authority who can now engage the parents on a one on one chat on how to sort out the issues concerning the child.

All parties are to work together to raise these little ones. They will always make mistakes and be naughty. They are not adults so the level of responsibility and expectations on them cannot and should not level up in anger to the level of pain, fear and scars.

All our hands should be on deck for this honourable herculean assignment.

God bless our efforts on our children.

Monday, 20 February 2017


1.     I’m grateful for you

2.     You make me proud

3.     Your words are meaningful

4.     You have great ideas

5.     I love being your parent

6.     You don’t have to be perfect to be great

7.     Your opinions matter
8.     You are important

9.     You are loved

10.   I believe you

11.   I believe in you

12.   This family wouldn’t be the same without you

13.   You are valuable

14.   You can say no

15.   You can say yes

16.   I know you did your best

17.   You were right

18.   I accept who you are

19.   We can try your way

20.   You are helpful

21.   You are worth it

22.   You make me happy

23.   I love your creativity

24.   Being around you is fun

25.   I can’t wait to hear about it

26.   Don’t be afraid to be you

27.   You’re making a difference

28.   I’m excited to spend time with you

29.   You are interesting

30.   I love seeing the world your way

31.   It’s good to be curious

32.   I love the way you tell stories

33.   What you did was awesome

34.   I admire you

35.   That’s a great question

36.   Your friends are lucky to have you

37.   I trust you

38.   That was a really good choice

39.   Seeing you happy makes me happy

40.   Being your parent is my favorite job

41.   I learn new things from you every day

42.   You make me better

43.   You are a good boy/girl

44.   Thank you for being you

45.   I’m so glad you’re here

46.   You look so great

47.   I understand you

48.   Watching you grow up is the best

49.   That was really brave

50.   I forgive you

51.   I appreciate you

52.   We all make mistakes

53.   Yes, me too

54.   You are very good at that

55.   You can try again tomorrow

56.   Nobody is perfect

57.   I love how you said that

58.   Not everyone will like you, and that’s OK

59.   You did that so well

60.   I’m listening

61.   That’s a very  fair point

62.   You are beautiful inside and out

63.   I love you

64.   I could never stop loving you

65.   You are enough

66.   You make my heart full

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Safeguarding the Minds of Our Children.

To say that the devil is strategically after the minds and lives of the children is stating the obvious. All you need to do is look at how negativity has infiltrated the education and entertainment our children are exposed to.
Virtually every App, Game, Cartoon and current teaching methods are teaching things contrary to a child's well being. Children are starting to doubt their gender; they are more attention deficient and selfish.
These must have been what the early missionaries saw happening decades ago when they set up Christian schools. They made curriculum that was based on teaching   morals alongside the normal course work. In fact, good morals were the platform on which all other subjects were taught.
They knew to achieve this; there must be some kind of separation from what the world was demanding to be taught. Please note I said “Separation” and not “Segregation” because after setting up the schools, it was accessible to everyone irrespective of social, cultural and religious background. 
Today, the education system is almost in ruins. Morality is being taught outside God but just to follow a set of manmade rules. This erosion in moral life has affected many as it is key to the Christian faith.
Most churches and christain individuals, organisations have decided to replicate what the orthodox churches and missionaries have done, by setting up schools that are scripture oriented and can engage the minds of the children leading them not just in education but also how to navigate the ever changing world around them. A world that seems to be in contention with the norms of morality and christianity.

So, as we teach them A, B and C, engaging them in ways to stay focused, standing and knowing right and wrong is very key. Children must start to know, early enough that some things are wrong, why they are wrong and what they ought to do when faced with such, even if the majority say otherwise.

Today the enemy has devised various seemingly innocent ways to engage the mind of children, if he achieves this, the education we have so much strived to give them will ultimately amount to little.

‎Yes! We must give them a free hand to express themselves, but there is a reason that we are the parents and we are the adults. There is a reason why we are already equipped with the experience they are so yearning to find out, and this is where our responsible guidance and mentoring comes in.

"Train up a child in the way he/she should go...and when he grows he/she will not depart from it."

The obvious potent weapon of the enemy today is social media, games, TV...etc. Truthfully there is not much we can do in the way the world is going in technology to avoid or denial them these gadgets...but we must be very informed on the type of applications on the various gadgets we get for them. We must be conscious of how to activate parental guidance on their computers, tabs, and Internet platforms. There are various games and Apps that are designed to engage children in education, and mental development, while we have some equally targeting them for sinister purpose, we can no longer be naïve, as in to go out and use our hard earned, God given money to purchase a device for our children without first making sure our gift of love (sometimes indulgence)  doesn't end up a Greek one.

There are many apps and games that are children oriented in their interface, but might expose them to adult contents in subtle ways
There are Apps and games that are designed to target their minds to pervert their thinking on various issues, norms and traditions we hold dear....
There is a way you as the parents can activate a parental guidance on your Internet Wi-Fi at home to stop them engaging in pornographic, satanic and violent sites when you are away.
Know that there are tabs today that are pre-installed with porn pop-ups automatically....so just going out and purchasing a gadget is no good enough...ask questions about pre-installed apps, pop-ups and Ads.
Even on TV, gone are the days where we watch government controlled viewing...Today the norm is cable television, and they come with various channels, both for children and adults. One can equally activate PG on your cable channels making sure the children don't indulge themselves with adult contents programme in your absence. This is not their responsibility but ours as parents and guardians.
Pls take note of the age recommendations on the CDs, and movies we download‎ and watch...if not appropriate for children, it should be kept away or not purchased at all...There is no point buying a CD that you can't watch with your children. 
Some parents have banned their children or blocked some supposedly children channels, because when they took their time to watch with the children, they discovered the programmes were not that innocent after all but very suggestive and sensual in subtle ways.

A single porn or satanic image or programme can destroy everything one has been engaged in with the life of a child. It stays intact and battles the mind for decades, unless one seeks counselling and stops viewing and believing the lies on the screen.

The Screen is the very effective way to engage billions of people in very short a time so as to pass information as quickly as possible globally. Unfortunately this is equally potent when in wrong hands targeting little boys and girls, even teenagers and adults, if adults struggle with this issues, I hope you can imagine what it will do to the mind of a 5 year old.

Our Christian Schools 
We educate children so they can be a blessing to the society. But can we truly, totally harness all the educated child has to offer when he/she lacks the morals, conviction, discipline, tact and a good heart. If and when this things are lacking the education stands on faulty foundation. We are currently in a deplorable state in our country today caused by mostly educated leaders, but no love in their hearts for the people, no vision, and no focus. Most don't even know what it entails to be in the position of leadership. “The worst kind of criminal is an educated one”.
Educating a child without morals and restraint is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
Our schools must begin to tackle this head on. We have already taught them the Bible stories, the do’s and the don'ts...Schools that want to truly engage children and see them grow up to build a prosperous nation must go the extra mile and strategize ways to educate the parents and children how to avoid lewd and ungodly content on the various gadgets that the children and wards are constantly exposed to, even in school.
We need to engage parents on ways to tackle the trend head on.
Our social responsibility should not just start and stop with teaching and school fees and the norms. We have to strife to make sure that what we put in their minds can withstand and correct the negativity social media platforms try to put there.
We must know who has the greater access to their hearts and interest. Is it we the parents, the church and schools or social trends that destroy their innocence and eventually future. If it's the latter, then the fault lies with us.

Here is a letter from grange school Ikeja GRA informing parents and guidance and generally public on the deceptive nature of some games, Apps and programmes on gadgets we purchase for our children. This shows the school's resilience and responsibilities in going an extra mile to make sure their children are not perverted by unsuspecting, seemingly innocent information on their devices and their parents. 

This is very much encouraging even coming from a private school that does not have any religious affiliation.

Don't be deceived it's an all out war out there. It's a great contention for minds and destinies of the Children. Beautiful minds the enemy plans to manipulate and pervert. Minds that will shape, direct, instruct and have power over the future. The enemy knows this, and is hell bent and resilient in efforts to destroy and pervert them.
"If we allow our children to do what they like today...they will eventually do what we don't like tomorrow"  Gbile Akanni.

The ball, as they say, is in our court.


When a child begins to exhibit certain negative behaviors and continually has issues in his/her academics, it’s time to do a little research and ask ourselves certain questions.

Is the child going through any kind of trauma?
Active effort has to engaged in finding out if and what the child is passing through, be it psychological, emotional…This is where some form of counseling should come in-but maybe not in the form of regular/conventional counseling but in giving extra attention and friendship, love and encouragement to allow him/her let up on whatever is going on, with whom and where.
This should be done consistently and in a warm and friendly environment. Through the kind words and act of the mentor/counselor, the child develops the much needed self-worth and confidence and then, positive changes begin to emerge.

What are the causes of said issues?
These issues must be known in other to tackle them. The issues arise mostly from people that the children interact with often. These people are people we assume love the child and should pursue a positive flow in their lives.  

How can said issues be resolved?
Whatever anyone is doing directly or indirectly to cause a downturn in the psychological / emotional / physical wellness of the child must be confronted immediately …the person can be removed or child taken away from proximity to the individual(s).
When issues are dealt with it most times, they leave a void in the little minds that need to be immediately filled with positive and goal oriented mentality…the reassurance of love and acceptance must be pursued with programmes to engage them in positive drive towards their academics and extra preferences…e.g. sports, music and skill acquisition.

Let’s take active roles in raising a generation of happy children. A happy child is a guaranteed champion for life.
God bless our children.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Valentine’s Day and The Child

Someone once said "if we discovered that we had only five minutes left to say all we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them."

As February 14 draws closer, a lot of us are anticipating some kind of fun or the other while some don’t really care. Well, either you care or not, majority of our schools are celebrating, meaning our children are celebrating too.
I had an interesting conversation with a dear child. Our conversation went something like this...
“It'll be Valentine's Day soon!”
“What is it all about?” A child asked.
“It's a day to show love, when people show affection to another person or people by sending gifts like cards, chocolates, flowers, and so on”.
“Ewwwww! But I'm not married!”
“Oh! No! It's not about marriage. It's about showing others how much you care. Not just by the big gifts you give.... but also the little acts of kindness that make someone's day brighter.”
This brings me to a series of questions;
i.    Do our kids really understand this hullabaloo called Valentine’s Day?
ii.   Should they be allowed to ‘celebrate’ it in their schools?
iii.  How should the schools celebrate it?
Love is “a caring, self-sacrificing commitment which shows itself in seeking the highest good of the one loved.” It does not take advantage of one another person, neither is it selfish nor self seeking.
Let us teach our children that, ''it doesn’t matter who they are, what they have or what they give… if they don’t have selfless love, they have nothing."
This age is marked with a lot of sexual perversion all in the name of love. But I assure you, if you invest time in your children and express the right kind of love at home, they will not fall victims of perversion especially in this Valentine season.
As a parent you need to show love to them daily and teach them to have nothing to do with selfish love. This way they will not be starved of love, and so they do not get hungry and desperate for love, trying to get it wherever it seemingly presents itself. This is usually the case of teens who get deceived by so called lovers. They have a low self-esteem.

One of your most important gifts as a parent is to help your child develop self-esteem. Your child needs your steady support and help to discover his/her strengths. (S)he needs you to believe in him/her as (s)he learns to believe in himself/herself. Loving him/her, spending time with him/her, listening to him/her and celebrating lessons learned from his/her mistakes and successes are all part of this process.

Should it be celebrated in schools? Oh! Yes, but in the right way, a selfless way. The School authority should ensure strict guidelines are given to the pupils. They should ensure the pupils are not given too much liberty which could open doorways to assault or perversion.
When our children are taught real, selfless love, it would be easy for them to recognize love that is harmful, to identify fake since they are constantly exposed to the original.
Parents watch your kids/wards, what they wear, listen, ask questions. Let our children not lose their innocence to our carelessness.

Don't forget to say, "I love you" to your children regardless of their age!

What do you think?

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Praying for Our Children

Using this calendar will allow you to pray thirty-one different biblical virtues into your children. Use it as a guideline each month, combining some of the traits for months which do not have thirty-one days. Claim and believe that God is working each one of these virtues into your children's lives. God bless our children!.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Know Your Child, The Way Out.

Children respond more to love and attention.

I discovered that by friendly association and spending extra time apart from school periods to teach, talk and play, an almost miraculous sense of self confidence, grace and radiance come upon children.

They value this more from people who are their mentors, teachers, guardians, friends than from their own parents. Maybe because they assume that a parent’s love is mandatory.

 A huge percentage of the great people we see and read about are mostly influenced by other people aside from their biological parents. People they have met with along their pursuits in life. They mostly appreciate the grace, attention, affirmation someone other than their parents (an authority figure or role model) extends to them.

Knowing that the greatest influencers and shapers of our children’s destinies, purpose and pursuits are not us but other people, we can only pray and teach them to identify with the right kind of people. Hence, when eventually they are left to make life shaping decisions, they can fall back on the solid moral and value system that we have taken time to consciously embed in them.

Even though we might not have the influence to choose their friends at different stages in their lives, we are very much responsible for the kind of influence they are exposed to at their fragile and formative years by meticulously checking and chosen the kind of mentors, teachers, role models and friends they are exposed to.

We have a very important task in making sure that the teachers who influence these children are people of right moral, intellectual integrity and values with a great degree of love, grace, tolerance and patience for the inevitable flaws of children. Someone who understands the forming mind of a child and can decipher what to do to help each individual child bring out hiss/her greatest potentials.

We need to know that apart from seeing the teaching profession as a regular job, it is mostly a calling to influence positively the next generation in the way of the Lord. So the personal godly relationship between pupils, students and teacher away from academics is very key in guaranteeing the success of these children academically.

A healthy and respectable friendship between a teacher, mentor or influencer guarantees a positive result in the academics of a child in particular and his/her life in general. This is why the performances and response of the pupils and teachers are constantly appraised.
They are angels in disguise, let's learn to love them.

Know Your Child, and the people around them

Our children are gifts from the most high…they are the apple of his eyes and his blessings to mankind for continuity and existence. Their upbringing and grooming are very essential and important. This is why adults are chosen by God or by association or mentorship to be custodians and facilitators of their upbringing and mental development. So they can grow gracefully, be useful members of the society and giants in the kingdom of God in their generation on earth.

Their innocent minds are crafted in a way that they learn by imitation and admiration of the adults around them as they grow. The church and school education systems should be well crafted to impact the very necessary values and morals in them.

By taking a deep look at academically challenged children and personally engaging with some that have been tagged not too bright, I have been able to decipher that children have a lot they deal with in their minds. Hence, they are unable to focus, concentrate in class thereby turning out as average or poor students, and if not quickly checked deteriorate into mediocrity.

Each child has his/her own strength and fears. They each have their own issues- psychological and emotional which affect their relationship with others and eventually affect their performance academically.

Children tend to worry a lot. They worry about been accepted by their peers, their performance in school and other co–curricular activities, approval from adults around them and...YES! the relationship between their parents.

Through the years of dealing with the children, I have endeavored to get to know each individual child in my care and deal with the various issues running in their little minds that might one way or the other negatively affect their academic work.

After making conscious effort to listen to them, help them emotionally and build their self-image, most of these children turn a new leaf in class at an almost unbelievable pace and margin. Their academic appraisal grew beautifully.

I realized that what made the most difference was their perception and appreciation of a teacher who went the extra mile to care and love them for them. Who sincerely wants to see them at their best in class. I saw these set of pupils trying their very best to please and impress me by giving their best in class and constantly trying to do extra errands and chores just to be able to have proximity to me.

In their minds, there's a determination not to disappoint their new ADULT friend. Children crave love and acceptance strongly and when they see an adult that gives this, they embrace such relationship and strive to maintain it at all cost. I saw great transformation and testimonies from teachers and parents.

Yes! There is a place for being a good teacher. But I believe when presiding over children, love, patience and obvious approval does the trick and brings the goal home much faster. I saw D's and C's become B's and straight A's.

Since children learn by imitation, the quality and values of adults (who are the form of influence) around them must be right. These influencing adults must be sharpened minds that understand how to handle and shape the feeble and fragile minds of these little ones. We adults have to find time to undergo child training, we need to learn strategies and psychology to continually equip us to know how to deal or approach each child with love, care and effectively bring out the champion in them.
God bless our Children!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

The Facilitator, CSI with Ese

Eseoghene Elsie Adeniji, is the brain behind ‘CSI (Children Schools Information) with Ese’, a trained educator with over 14 years cumulative experience in teaching. She is married with two lovely children and currently works at Role Model School, Oregun Lagos.

ROLE MODEL SCHOOL, OREGUN, LAGOS.   September, 2015 - Till Date
·         Class teacher Year 5
·         Coordinated extra-curricular activities (Ballet, Science clubs).
·         Sports mistress
·         Member Yearbook Editorial team
·         Member Examination committee
·         Trained staff in Conflict Resolution.

STRAITGATE SCHOOL, MAGODO, LAGOS.  September,2010 — 2015
·         Year Head.
·         Subject teacher (Mathematics and English Language).
·         Class teacher (3rd and 5th Grades).
·         Taught all primary subjects when required.
·         Prepared and assessed teachers' lesson notes.
·         Prepared pupils for common entrance examinations.
·         Coordinated extra-curricular activities (Book, Chess, Debate clubs).
·         Trained Junior Staff.
·         Took up managerial tasks assigned to me.
·         Assessed new staff and pupils.
·         Trained staff in Nelson Thornes Handwriting.

KIDDIESVILLE PRIVATE SCHOOL, LAGOS    January 2007 — August 2010
·         Assistant Head teacher
·         Interviewed and short listed new intakes (staff and pupils).
·         HOD Upper Primary.
·         Class teacher (5th Grade).
·         Taught all primary subjects.
·         Prepared pupils for common entrance examinations.
·         Prepared and assessed teachers' lesson notes.
·         Coordinated extra-curricular activities.
·         Trained Junior Staff.
·         Trained staff and parents in Nelson Thornes Handwriting.

·         Editor
·         Marketer
·          Project Co-ordinator

 ·         Teacher

 ·         Teacher

 ·         Bible Study teacher


·         The Importance of Teaching Evaluation and Observation 
·         Preparation of Effective Lesson Plans / Review
·         Creative Teaching and classroom management                 
·         Refreshers Course for Teachers                                           
·         Teachers’ Professionalism and Effective
·         Strategies for Differential learning
·         Time and Self-management                                                 
·         Class Display and Mounting
·         Teaching Children Creative Writing                                               
·         The Montessori Method                            
·         Teaching Pre-School and Primary School                          
·         Cursive Handwriting                     
·         Effective Teaching Methods in Schools
·          Key Job Responsibilities – Year Leader/ Unit Head
·         E-learning training
·         Teaching beyond the 21st century
·         Effective communication

·         Excellent spoken and communication skills.
·         Ability to function well under minimal or no supervision.
·         Ability to finish task within time frame
·         Good team player
·         Vast in the use of interactive media board
·         Power point presentation


·          Best Staff- Senior Elementary, 2011, 2014
·          Best Staff- Mid Elementary 2012, 2013
·         Overall Best Staff ( Nominee) Academic, 2013, 2014
·          3rd place, Annual Staff Debate- 2011.
·          Year Head, Grade 5,  2013 - date

·         National Teachers Institute, Kaduna        (PGDE)                            2010 – 2011
·         University of Ibadan, Oyo State                 (MSc Animal Science)      2004 – 2006
·         University of Ibadan, Oyo State                 (BSc Animal Science)      1997 – 2002